Board of Committees for 2022-2023

Board Chair

Board Vice-Chair

Garth Nichol

Karen Wear


Workplace Health and Safety

Rodney Hintz, Chair

Karen Wear

Deanna Morgan


Rob MacTavish

Garth Nichol


PD Committee

Rob MacTavish

Garth Nichol


Karen Wear, Chair

Regular Board meetings will be held at 5:00 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of every month (except July).  The 4th Wednesday of every month will be for Committee of the Whole meeting (rotation) beginning at 5:00 p.m.

 Turtle Mountain School Division Trustee elections take place every four (4) years. Current information on Trustees and their respective wards is indicated below:

Ward Location


I - Boissevain and Area Rodney Hintz
Nanette Glover
II - Killarney and Area Robert MacTavish
Garth Nichol
Deanna Morgan
III - Highway 23 and Area

Karen Wear