11(1a) Policy Statement
11(1b) Definitions and Responsibilities
11(1c) Statement of Commitment
11(1d) WPSH Committee Terms of Reference
Workplace Procedure/Safety Procedures
11(2a) Notice of Workplace Safety and Health Concern
11(2b) Employee Safety Program Involvement
  (i) Employee Safety Program Involvement
  (ii)Supervise and Worker Training Procedure
11(2c) Young Workers Safety Procedure
  (i) Responsibility for Safety and Health of Students
  (ii) Tips for keeping young workers safe
11(2d) TMSD Incident Report Procedure
  (i) TMSD Incident Report Form
11(2e) Right to Refuse Dangerous Work Procedure
  (i) Right to Refuse Flowchart
  (ii) Right to Refuse Request Form
11(2f) Working Alone Procedure and Personal Contact Declaration
Chemical/Physical/Biological Hazards
11(3a) Chemical Control Procedure
  (i) Chemical Safety Procedure
11(3b) Hazard Identification And Assessment 
  (i) MSI Policy and Risk Assessment 
      (a) Critical Job Inventory
      (b) MSI Policy and Risk Assessment 
      (c) JHA Template
      (d) SWP Template/Sample SWP
  (i)Infectious Materials (ie a student with a communicable disease)
      (a) Mould Prevention and Remediation Procedure
Harrassment/Violence Prevention
11(4a) Harassment Procedure
  (i) Harassment report form
11(4b) Violence Procedure
  (ii) Violence Assessment Form
  (iii) Violence Report Form
Safety Programs/Forms
11(5a) Personal Protective Equipment Policy
11(5c) Asbestos Identification Procedure
  (i) Asbestos Control Procedure
  (iii) Asbestos Tracking Form
  (iv) Reinspection of Asbestos containing Materials
11(5-d) Right to Refuse Dangerous Work Procedure
  (i) Right to Refuse Dangerous Work Request Form
11(5e) Lock Out Procedure
11(5f) First Aid Procedure
11(5g) Fall Protection Procedure
11(5h) Contracted or Self Employed Persons
  (i) Contracted or self-employed Persons Manual and Acknowledgement Form
11(5i) Racking and Shelving Policy (BOB)
11(5j) Air Sampling and Ventilation Inspection Procedure
11(5k) Hearing Conservation Procedure
11(5l) Confined Space Policy
11(5m) Machine Guarding Policy
11(5n) Hot Works Procedure
  (i) Hot Works Permit
11(5o) Powered Mobile Equipment
  (i) Powered Mobile Equipment Checklist
Inspection/Audit Procedures and Forms
11(6a) Inspection Policy
  (i) 90 day Workplace Safety Inspection/Security Checklist
  Individual classroom/shop inspection checklists
11(6b) Safety Audit Procedure

Workplace Safety and Health related documents below:

Safety Introduction for new employees

Small appliances in Classrooms

SDS Online search

AED (This form needs to filled out quarterly along with your quarterly inspection forms)

Workplace Safety and Health Concern Form

Violence Report Form

Emergency Preparedness Plan 

Workers Compensation Forms: